Friday, July 22, 2011

#4 My Religion is You!

Ever since I was a young child, I was always fascinated by religion. I lived with my grandparents during my early years which were in a very Christian household: pray every night, church every Sunday, prayer before meals - so on and so forth. When my mother married my stepfather, I was introduced to a different religion: Islam. Even though he didn’t practice that religion as closely as my grandparents did with their religion, I still learned a lot about the Islam teachings.

Each religious thought taught that their religion was the most accurate religion and should be the one the rest of the world should follow (Whether that’s true or not, that’s what I was told up to this point in my early childhood). “How is that possible?” I thought, “If God made everyone and God loves everyone, why would He destine one group to doom over another?” I began to further my investigation unto other religions to see what they thought. Even though a lot of them had similar teachings, all of the people I talked to from those religions, thought THEY were the correct religion, the one TRUE religion all others around the world should follow.

Of course you get different interpretations of this from different people, so I decided to make it my quest to find that ONE TRUE religion. I wanted to follow the path God had set forth for us to follow. I kept in mind, many people are so hard core about what they believe in because they grew up being TAUGHT to believe that and never even tried to “think outside the box”. (Please refer to Blog #2 -- What would you believe if you were not taught to believe, what you believe right now -- as I go into more depth about this) I started to investigate HOW these teaching were started, when they were physically written down into text, and how long after the events, were they put in a language that made it understandable to the rest of us.

I found that these religions were all stories TOLD from generation to generation until it was physically written down in books. If they WERE written down on tablets, scrolls, or stone walls, all of that had to be TRANSLATED into a language that was widely known by man, and THEN put into book context.

This made me think back to when I was a kid and we played “telephone” in our class. The teacher would whisper a sentence to one student, they would whisper it to their neighbor, then to the next until it gets around to the final student. By the time the SAME SENTENCE is passed around from one child to the next, it came out COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than what the teacher stated in the first place. Just imagine what could happen to religious stories that are passed from one generation to the next until it is finally written into context….

Then I saw documentaries on TV about how scientific discovery found scrolls or tablets that were never included into the modern day Christian Bible. That got me thinking, what if the religious leaders, at the time all these historic religious events took place, knew they had so much influence and power over their society, fabricated the stories or teachings slightly here and there, so that it would benefit THEIR preference? Politicians do it all the time in the modern world, why wouldn’t religious leaders do it during their time of influence over society? What if the scare of “religion” itself was just used as a means to control large groups of people? What if the messages of all these religious teachings were “lost in translation” when translated into a more popular language?

Of course since there wasn’t the great technology of the internet, news papers, or other social media to document these “teachings” AT THE TIME they occurred in a language widely known to man, no one will ever TRULY know what had transpired all those years ago.

I continued my quest to finding the “true” religion by speaking with people directly involved with these various religions, both liberal and hard core and passionate about their religion. Guess what I found out? None of them were ever able to answer my one defining question about their religion without getting immensely furious with me.

After they told me that they hard core truly believed that THEIR religion was the ONE CORRECT religion to follow, and told me that all others would be doomed to burn for all eternity because they never found their way to that “one true” religion, I asked them all this same question:

“So if your religion is the CORRECT one, and all others are not, and you believe all others are destined to burn in hell if they don’t believe in yours, let me ask you this: What happens to those people who were BORN into a different religion than yours? Is it really their fault that they follow what they were TAUGHT to follow? What if they live their life praising to a higher power, always doing good things for other people, never causing any trouble, never having the means to relocate outside where they grew up to even have the CHANCE to experience or learn anything different – are they REALLY going to burn in hell because they don’t follow your religion?”

Not one person has YET to answer my question without getting mad at me. I know they only got so mad because A) they didn’t have an answer and B) made them question their beliefs and entire life’s teachings. But I just honestly, truly in my heart of hearts, was just genuinely trying to find the one true religion so that I could follow the right path to God. Well, after all that was said and done, here I am 20 years later STILL without a valid answer to my question.

My conclusion: I personally believe in God but Religion – not so much. The inner detective in me still feels like a lot of what religion teaches is fabricated to some extent or is just hearsay by generations of retold stories. I wasn’t there to witness it, nor was anyone closely related to me. There isn’t any hard core proof anything was really “said” from a burning bush or a snake. For all we know, Aliens could be our “God” and they came down to Earth some many years ago, mated with monkeys, and we are just a product of years and years of mutation. And perhaps their said visits to Earth are to “check up” on us! (There ARE documentaries that have arguments to support this, too!)

But, even so, I do believe in God because I have EXPERIENCED God’s work (or a higher power as some would like to call it). Good things happen when I pray. Problems are solved. Guidance is provided. It comes in forms of my dreams, experiences, intense gut feelings (refer to Blog #3 Leap of Faith) or even through other people’s actions or words. The way I see it, as long as you are not harming others, who is to really dictate which religion is correct or not? Everyone has the right to believe what they want to believe, whatever feels true and right for them, and whatever helps them fight through the hard times and achieve the peace.

Lady Gaga, who grew up Catholic, I think put it best when she was asked about her religion during her “Google Goes Gaga” interview. She said (and I’m just paraphrasing) that she sees God in all of her fan’s faces when she performs on stage. She gets a lot of her inspiration from them for new music and artistic ideas. “My religion is You.”

(I ENCOURAGE you to comment – whether you agree or disagree – please challenge me!)

(: Tina Marie :)
Twitter: @PrincessLibra16
YouTube Channel: PrincessLibra16

Sunday, July 17, 2011

#3 Take a Leap of Faith!

Conventional business teachings tell you to follow logic all the time and if you try to base your business decisions on emotions or “feelings”, then you will fail as a business decision maker. While you absolutely SHOULD follow logic when it comes to business, I disagree with the “always” part. If you have a strong gut feeling to do something outside of logic and you are confused as to why it doesn’t make sense, even in business matters, investigate that other option for a bit. Don’t toss it out the window just because it doesn’t make sense at the moment!

For years I struggled to make any decisions based on my gut and instead went only with logic because my gut didn’t make any sense at all. Every single time I can recall, things didn’t turn out so well in the end. Little by little, and yes it was VERY hard at first, I started to trust my gut more and more and Took My Leap of Faith. I remember the first time I went against all logic and trusted my gut 100%.

I got caught in one of those flash photo speeding tickets. I couldn’t just pay the ticket because there was no price to pay on there and it required me to make a court appearance. I didn’t know about all these added fees’s until I was IN the courtroom. I thought about getting a lawyer, but I kept procrastinating. Before I knew it, it was time for my fate.

Of course I thought the ticket would be only about $100 or so, pay that, take traffic school, and be done with it. The ticket itself wasn’t too horrible, like I though, about $100 or so, but what made it worse, was it was in a construction zone, AND on the highway!! That added on the additional fees for safety of construction workers and what-not. Well, just imagine my shock when the judge explained all the fees and charges against the whole court room (since we all got tickets from the same photo enforcer) that came out to $535!!!! WTF?!?!?!?!

I was most delusional at that point because all I can think about was, “I am NOT paying that! I don’t care, but I am NOT paying that!” Then the judge proceeded to explain our choices: 1) we can pay the fine and have supervision for a few months, 2) contest it, and have the CHANCE of it being dismissed, however, if STILL found guilty, would have to pay the $535 PLUS court fees of about $200 additional, then have even LONGER supervision!

Three people brought a lawyer, some people got off completely free because they moved their heads right as the photo was taken so the photo did not clearly show their face, and one other person without a lawyer contested to the ticket. Judge called my name, asked if I felt I was guilty or not guilty. All I could think of was, “I am NOT paying this….” and I don’t know why I said it, but I just said, “Not guilty.” I know, what the hell was I thinking??!!?? Right??

I didn’t have a lawyer, my face was clearly showing on the ticket, bottom line—I’m screwed! But, my gut told me to say I wasn’t guilty and I took that Leap of Faith, however, no logic was there at the time to back up my inner instincts. My heart was racing while everyone else went and paid their ticket and the rest of us who contested had to wait until the end. Finally, the three people who had a lawyer got up to argue their case. “WTF could they argue??” was all that was going through my mind.

Every point the lawyer made, the cop running the photo booth had a valid response, or so it seemed to me. After about 5 mins of that, that guy got dismissed of all charges. Second guy with his lawyer went up, he got dismissed and left. Third and final person with their lawyer got up and dismissed, and then it was only the other guy and I without a lawyer. He looked at me and we both gave each other that glance as if to say, “Yes, we are screwed!”

Well, believe it or not, whatever the prior three lawyers argued and got their clients dismissed, applied to us as well! I have NO IDEA what it was exactly, some sort of technicality, I didn’t care, all I heard was, “You two are dismissed and free to go.” Nothing went on my driving record, no supervision and no fees! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!

Since then, little by little, I have learned to trust my instincts more and more to the point that I quite often cannot distinguish the difference between logic and my intuition. Whatever I feel, if it “just feels right”, I just go with it. If a major decision has to be made, I pray for my instincts to kick into high gear, and let me tell you, there is NO IGNORING THEM THEN!!!

Sometimes, you just have to take that Leap of Faith when you can’t find any logic or sense to validate your instincts. After all, what’s the point of having natural instincts if you choose not to follow them??

I have much more to say on this subject but I’ll stop there before I end up writing a book! I’ll save it for another blog. ;)

And just for giggles, just as I was proofreading this blog, I remembered a dream I had last night. I dreamt I was leaping really high in the air. I looked up the meaning to my dream on, and funny enough, look what I found as the definition:

To dream that you are leaping over an object indicates that you will eventually achieve your desires and goals after some effort and struggle. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for "taking a leap" or taking a chance on a new relationship or situation. Try to step outside your comfort zone. Consider also the phrase "leap of faith".

HAHA! This just proves that the title of this blog was meant to be!

Please share your “Leap of Faith” stories (whether good or bad) in the comment section below. I would love to read about them!!

(: Tina Marie :)
Twitter: @PrincessLibra16
YouTube Channel: PrincessLibra16

Thursday, June 2, 2011

#2 What would you believe, if you were not taught to believe in what you believe in right now?

As a child, you were vulnerable to the brainwash of “truths” your caretakers provided. You were taught to worship a certain religion, follow certain “norms” of society, eat a certain way, exercise a certain way, love a certain way, surround yourself with certain people that were taught to be “acceptable”, go to school, go to college, get the “best” career, get married, have kids and so on and so forth.

Let’s face it, You are a product of what you were taught to be. Truth is, very few adults are able to think for themselves when their inner gut tells them they should be different from what they were taught to be. Many go through life with a constant struggle because they were taught to be one way, but feel they should be another, but don’t want to accept their TRUE self because it goes against everything they were taught. This very well can result in feelings of loneliness, denial, & depression among others.

I have seen with my own two eyes, from watching others, the transformation of one’s realization of their true self, rebuke all they were taught, lead the life their gut told them, and come out happier than ever in the end.  

I’ve seen children that were FORCE FED to worship a certain way, love a certain way, or follow a career path they were not comfortable with. I saw these people rebuke the religion they were taught and follow one that they were more comfortable with. I saw people make the realization they were attracted to the same gender and decided to express their truth. I have seen people go to college, get their masters, then go in a total different direction because they were not comfortable working in that field.

I’ve seen men that were married for years, had children, then all of a sudden decide to come to terms with their reality: They were gay. I’ve seen college students live the way their parents wanted until graduation day and decide to express their truth: They didn’t want to be a doctor, they wanted to be a writer. I have seen a few friends of mine raised in a certain religion go to their parents and tell them this is now how they wish to worship.

Every single one of them were afraid to go against what they were TAUGHT to be in fear of rejection, solitude, or ridicule. However, they owned up to their fears, some sooner rather than later. Yes, they struggled. Yes, ended up alone, for a bit. Yes, they were ridiculed. But guess what happened in the end?

They stayed true to themselves and now they are on top. They are happy. They are living the life they were meant to live. They are living the life they were BORN TO LIVE! Do they still have problems? Sure, everyone does. Life isn’t perfect. However, the sooner you live the life you were meant to live, the LESS problems will arise and the fewer people will then be affected.

We all can learn from stories like these. We do NOT have to continue our life the way we were TAUGHT to live it. We should live the life that we were MEANT to live. The way I see it, as long as you are not causing harm to others (and some may argue this point but that is up for interpretation) then you should live life to how it best suits you. If you are not happy, then how can anyone expect you to make others happy?

Be true to yourself, be who you are, be who you were born to be! After all, we WERE all Born This Way!
(Yes, that is another Gaga reference!)

(Please don’t hesitate to make comments – good or bad – all are welcome!)

(: Tina Marie :)
Twitter: @PrincessLibra16
YouTube Channel: PrincessLibra16

#1: Oh not another blogger!

Like most people, I have too much frustration in my everyday life to keep it bottled up inside.  I feel drained of energy and lack of motivation to really pursue anything lately. Writing out what ticks me off, inspires me, gets me thinking, or throwing out random ideas has helped in the past, but that was way before the age of blogging!

After reading success stories from a few blogs from others, I felt a bit inspired to share pieces of my mind to others who may have even the slightest interest in what I have to say about things. Who knows: perhaps something magical will happen – someone my respond and inspire me or, I may write something to inspire you! Sometimes it may be neither, and it’ll just be therapeutic to have a bitch session with a fellow blogger/reader!

I figured since I can’t seem to live without the internet, I can use my blog to “vomit my mind” instead of wasting paper like I did ages ago. (That’s a Gaga reference to those who don’t understand the quote!)

You will soon realize I have a very unique mindset. I think very differently than most people. I also have many funny stories from people watching or from work, often have random thoughts that can really get you thinking, or I may just throw some idea’s out for the rest of you! Who knows WHAT you will get with one of my blogs! You will get whatever my Mind decides to Vomit!

So yes, I am yet another blogger! Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy my entries!

(Please don’t hesitate to make comments – good or bad – all are welcome!)

(: Tina Marie :)
Twitter: @PrincessLibra16
YouTube Channel: PrincessLibra16